RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

Action Always Wins

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2021

I see it time and time again. Women are SO fired up to chase their goals, but something derails their best of efforts. It appears that once they approach a little bump in the road, they lose all focus and the desire to forge forward.

After many moments of quiet reflection, I've realized that not only does the coursework/curriculum that I present during Mindset Makeover radically transform, but the magic, the real beauty of their evolution, is found in the support and accountability that the program provides.

So often, we lack the motivation and discipline to get back on the horse when we've been pushed off - we get trapped and fall victim to self-sabotage.

We must recognize that the energy we are wasting wallowing in guilt and shame can be harnessed and used way more effectively.

It always comes down to just DOING something about your dissatisfaction.

The moment you realize you could be behaving in a way that would serve your future-self better is that exact chance you have to do so.

You aren't doing anyone any favors.

You are the one who has to live your life- and find joy in it!

If you are looking for the tools to take it to the next level, I may have a thing or two for you.

DM me a goal you're currently struggling with, and we'll start a conversation around a potential soliton.

I've got your back, babe, and if I've learned anything, it's that we genuinely rise by lifting others.


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