RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

Capricorn Season Considerations

"Live life like everything is ruled in your favor because it is." Rumi

Following the movements of the moon, stars, and the cosmos has brought me so much peace and renewed perspective over this past year. 

As the sun moves into Capricorn this morning, honoring the Winter Solstice (aka the shortest day of the year), we can anticipate feeling a super-powerful transit today; moving from a time of relentless ambition to a time of spiritual evolution and growth. 

As we wake up to the first day of the last cardinal season of this year, with it, we welcome new beginnings. 

It's now time to focus on your souls' journey, realizing your innate potential and the infinite possibilities that exist for you as a spiritual being- while helping others to do the same.

Because Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius, added into the energy of this season is the idea of embracing change, urging us to have faith in Divine timing and the mystery of our existence, which often unfolds unexpectedly right before our eyes!

It's an opportunity to overcome obstacles that are keeping us in a rut- embodying resilience each and every chance we get.

As we step into this age of Aquarius, ask yourself:

  • What are you hoping to commit to within these next few years?
  • Where do you need to be reminded of your inherent strength and resolve? 
  • How can you show up authentically to bring light to the world?
  • What do you need to leave behind in 2020 to ensure to vibrate at the highest frequency possible for you?

Whether you know it or not, you are a conscious co-creator.

Start to become more intentional as you reflect and release all that no longer serves you as you journey forward into this next chapter.

I would LOVE to hear what you're working on- for me, letting go is a practice that I am struggling to perfect, but hey, we're all just going our best, right?

Drop your intentions 👇🏼♥️


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