RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1


The last 12 days have been one of trial and error- trying our intentions on for size to see which suits us best as we step into this new phase of life both personally and as it relates to the world us.

With the sun and moon being in the same Zodiac sign tonight, an inherent spark of energy pushes us to change our lives.

We are forced to evaluate what feels heavy so we can leave that behind while embracing all in our present and future reality, which allow us to feel light.

It’s time to get serious as this phase of the moon provides a real sense of renewal.

Each new moon is a time to feel into yourself- to get comfortable with the thoughts and visions that exist within. Connect to that inner compass and allow it to guide you as you begin to build a life that you’re genuinely excited about. 

Realize, though, it’s not enough to just think of your goals; it’s imperative now to ACT upon them.

Map out what is necessary from you daily, weekly, monthly, or...

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My Word for 2021

intention setting Jan 07, 2021


That’s the word I chose for this year.

Admittedly, I had seen this trend circle around the gram for quite a bit, but something struck me this time around. 

I knew it was imperative to anchor myself into what I wanted/needed most for 2021 and beyond.

So, as I move into the months that lay ahead, TRUST is all that I hope to embody.

Trust in myself.

Trust in the process (and the pain.)

Trust that everything can (and WILL) turn out better than I am even capable of imagining possible right now.

It has been an incredibly challenging and tumultuous year for us all; truthfully, I don’t think any of us was spared from uncertainty or some sort of loss.

What I’ve learned is that when our faith has been shaken, it is EVEN more critical to stay grounded in our spiritual practices- to restore our belief in the beauty that awaits us.

I may not know for sure what the near or distant future holds, but I intend to stay ruthlessly devoted to my TRUST in the Universe and...

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Capricorn Season Considerations

"Live life like everything is ruled in your favor because it is." Rumi

Following the movements of the moon, stars, and the cosmos has brought me so much peace and renewed perspective over this past year. 

As the sun moves into Capricorn this morning, honoring the Winter Solstice (aka the shortest day of the year), we can anticipate feeling a super-powerful transit today; moving from a time of relentless ambition to a time of spiritual evolution and growth. 

As we wake up to the first day of the last cardinal season of this year, with it, we welcome new beginnings. 

It's now time to focus on your souls' journey, realizing your innate potential and the infinite possibilities that exist for you as a spiritual being- while helping others to do the same.

Because Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius, added into the energy of this season is the idea of embracing change, urging us to have faith in Divine timing and the mystery of our existence, which often unfolds unexpectedly...

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