RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

Food For Thought

mindset Jan 18, 2021
I always try to stay high vibe, but it’s becoming almost impossible to turn a blind eye to all of the evil and corruption that is causing our world to crumble right before our very eyes.
This week will most likely be no different, but I know that it will not serve us individually or as a collective consciousness to live in fear and division.
With loads of speculation related to how the next few days/months/years will unfold, I can’t help but use this platform (while I still have it) to share a reminder regarding how important it is that we manage our energy.
Here are some things I’ve been thinking/suggest:
1️⃣ Take ownership of your part.
Change starts with us. We must stop displacing our inability to stand up for what is right on one man or small group of people in power.
Be loving, compassionate- open to having hard conversations. It’s not easy admitting when we’ve wrong, but there’s so much respect to be found in humility.
2️⃣ Have a plan.
Hope for the best, but be ready for the worst (just in case!) There is such a thing as toxic positivity- a dash of realism is necessary more than ever right now.
3️⃣ Stay grounded.
Remain closest to the things/people that bring you joy and peace. Move, meditate, journal. Whatever it is that works for you, YOU dictate your energy and overall experience.
4️⃣ Educate yourself.
There is SO much to be learned by opening a book. Take some time away from the scroll and expand your mind in new ways. You are a student of life, and a LOT can be learned by brushing up on some history.
5️⃣ Trust your gut.
When you experience something firsthand, you no longer need the voice of “experts” to discredit what is/was YOUR reality—stand firm in your truth and what you believe in.
Oh, and when in doubt, follow the $.
What are you doing to stay sane this week?
I would love to hear your thoughts below.

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