RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

Unpacking Emotions & Turning to Trust with Maria Loida


In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How to navigate your way around a career that no longer serves you
  • Why you must resist conforming to societal norms/pressure
  • The benefit of taking your yoga practice off of the mat
  • How to take ownership over your thoughts
  • Everything starts in your mind (& how your thoughts create your emotions while your actions create results!)
  • Why you should trust in yourself (& the tools to help you believe that you are worth/enough)
  • How beliefs/opinions of you from others have less to do with you than you may realize
  • That your past doesn't define you (& tools to overcome childhood trauma)
  • Avoidance and compartmentalization don't work
  • Daily practices to stay mindful
  • Why creating space to feel your emotions is vital to your well-being
  • What's needed to break free from what feels comfortable/"safe"


Do you want to learn more about our guest, Maria? 

IG - @mariaroseloida

Website -


For more insight and...

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Food For Thought

mindset Jan 18, 2021
I always try to stay high vibe, but it’s becoming almost impossible to turn a blind eye to all of the evil and corruption that is causing our world to crumble right before our very eyes.
This week will most likely be no different, but I know that it will not serve us individually or as a collective consciousness to live in fear and division.
With loads of speculation related to how the next few days/months/years will unfold, I can’t help but use this platform (while I still have it) to share a reminder regarding how important it is that we manage our energy.
Here are some things I’ve been thinking/suggest:
1 Take ownership of your part.
Change starts with us. We must stop displacing our inability to stand up for what is right on one man or small group of people in power.
Be loving, compassionate- open to having hard conversations. It’s not easy admitting when we’ve wrong, but...
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Radical Responsibility

mindset money mindset Dec 16, 2020

If you have breath in your lungs, you have opportunity.

Let that one sink in.

I know what I’m about to share might sting a bit, but if that’s the case, trust me when I say you need to hear this message now more than ever before.

Repeat after me:
I am where I am; because I put myself here.

Stop blaming, complaining, comparing, or justifying the reason behind your lack of abundance and scarcity mindset.

None of these actions is serving you.

Wealth boils down to you becoming intentional about your spending.

It’s not about how much $ you earn; it’s about how you CHOOSE to spend it.

Time to take ownership and stand in radical responsibility.

Acknowledge where you’re at, accept what you can no longer control, and align with the habits/routines that will set you up for success moving forward.

Instead of fighting for the obstacles you’re tired of, decide to overcome and seek opportunity intentionally.

No one is going to show up and do the work for you- if you...

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My 7 Step Process for Success 💣

mindset success Dec 15, 2020

1. Listen to your heart- no one knows what’s best for you like you do!

2. Dream big.

3. Refuse to follow the crowd (& stop dimming your light because others are afraid to shine!)

4. Become a student of the game because learners = earners.

5. Be willing to look REALLY stupid. (Failure is a part of the process with success usually waiting for you right on the edge of defeat!)

6. Stay wildly consistent.

7. Provide massive value and unmatched service to those around you.

What is your preferred vehicle to a life of victory? These are a few of my tricks, but I’d LOVE to hear yours

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