RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

My 7 Step Process for Success 💣

mindset success Dec 15, 2020

1. Listen to your heart- no one knows what’s best for you like you do!

2. Dream big.

3. Refuse to follow the crowd (& stop dimming your light because others are afraid to shine!)

4. Become a student of the game because learners = earners.

5. Be willing to look REALLY stupid. (Failure is a part of the process with success usually waiting for you right on the edge of defeat!)

6. Stay wildly consistent.

7. Provide massive value and unmatched service to those around you.

What is your preferred vehicle to a life of victory? These are a few of my tricks, but I’d LOVE to hear yours👇🏼


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