RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

Radical Responsibility

mindset money mindset Dec 16, 2020

If you have breath in your lungs, you have opportunity.

Let that one sink in.

I know what I’m about to share might sting a bit, but if that’s the case, trust me when I say you need to hear this message now more than ever before.

Repeat after me:
I am where I am; because I put myself here.

Stop blaming, complaining, comparing, or justifying the reason behind your lack of abundance and scarcity mindset.

None of these actions is serving you.

Wealth boils down to you becoming intentional about your spending.

It’s not about how much $ you earn; it’s about how you CHOOSE to spend it.

Time to take ownership and stand in radical responsibility.

Acknowledge where you’re at, accept what you can no longer control, and align with the habits/routines that will set you up for success moving forward.

Instead of fighting for the obstacles you’re tired of, decide to overcome and seek opportunity intentionally.

No one is going to show up and do the work for you- if you...

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