RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

The Universe Rewards the Courageous

abundance trust Jan 08, 2021

This morning I was reminded that the Universe rewards the courageous. 

It shows up for those that are bold enough to show up for themselves.

I will spare you all of the details, but as of late, it has felt like the world has been completely stacked against me.

I have EVERY reason to be sad, scared, stuck.

As I have reaffirmed my trust for whatever may lie ahead, I've simultaneously restored faith within myself. 

Abundance is showing up EVERYWHERE.

Because I am able to walk away from what isn't meant from me, I am consciously (and unconsciously) bringing myself THAT. MUCH. CLOSER. to all that is.

Remember that in your darkest of moments, happiness is a CHOICE. 

Don't expect success and joy to come your way when your vibration isn't currently matched with those energies.

I can confidently say that thinking/acting this way isn't always easy- in fact, it's hard and has taken me MANY years of spiritual practice.

But it's a commitment I've made to myself because ONLY I am responsible for the outcome of my life.

So today, I decided that I am feeling FULL.


Full of love, full of light, full of inspiration, full of endless gratitude.

I have nine remarkable women in Cycle 4 of Mindset Makeover- a coaching program that DIDN'T EVEN EXIST a year ago today.

I am following my heart and making big moves.

I am allowing my intuition to guide me all the way home.

Happy Friday, my friend. I hope that reading this brings you closer to whatever it is that makes you feel full too.




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