RETREAT WITH ME! Next "the Collective" Group Experience: Greek Island Getaway, 6/24-7/1

Attitude of Gratitude

gratitude travel Dec 07, 2020

The bad news? Nothing lasts forever.

I wouldn't have categorized myself as someone who took things for granted, but admittedly, I wasn't expecting so many of life's greatest pleasures to be stripped away so suddenly.

These past several months have taken us all by surprise- the "ending" of specific activities and the closing of individual establishments at times, almost too much to bare.

It may sound privileged, but travel is one of those bigger things for me that I miss so damn desperately- as a true Sagittarius soul, wanderlust runs through my bones. The pull of adventure is one that's often impossible to ignore.

Unapologetically, I continue to find myself:
Dreaming of where I'll escape to first
‍Imagining a world without a mask
Planning my life post-lockdown

But when I stop to ponder some of the more simple things, here's what I come up with...

Dancing at a bar (and being able to order a drink without copious amounts of food to go along with it), making silly faces at kids on the...

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